Illinois Real Estate Law Blog

Thursday, February 2, 2012

IFF Program to Assist Disabled Illinois Residents

A local organization, IFF, will be assisting Illinois residents with disabilities find a new home.  The program has a $19,000,000 budget, and the funds will be used to find and purchase condominiums, mostly in Chicago and its suburbs.  In order to be selected for the IFF program, the condominiums must be in an elevator building with easy access to neighborhood amenities and public transportation.  The association must be financially healthy as well.  IFF does not anticipate spending more than $150,000 on any one condominium; additionally, IFF will be paying assessments and property taxes. 

Once a condominium is purchased, IFF will modify the unit to make is accessible for people with disabilities.  They will then rent the units to disabled tenants at discounted rates.  Potential tenants must understand that they will not be living in a building where all the other residents are disabled.  The goal of this program is to accommodate disabled persons in existing housing.  The program does not aim to create group housing for the disabled. 

The program has just started, and so far has only received $5,000,000 of the anticipated $19,000,000 budget.  The program plans to use these funds to purchase condominiums in Chicago.


Michael H. Wasserman said...

Great project, thanks for posting this. Any contacts to find out more details ?

Naheed Amdani said...

The project is still new, but IFF is supposed to be using the funds to start purchasing properties. You could try contacting them. Their website is